Masonic Passport
Valley of Orlando, Scottish Rite
The primary purpose of this Passport is to encourage you to experience all the Degrees presented by the Valley of Orlando. Through the lessons of these Degrees, we look to the past for the great and immovable truths of the ages. At the same time, we are reminded that these truths are not locked into the past, but rather must serve to guide us as we move into the unknown future.
When you witness a Degree in your Valley, or any other Valley for that matter, the Valley Secretary or his designate will validate your Passport in the appropriate block. Once you have seen each Degree at least once and proper validation have been affixed, you may take this Passport to the Valley Secretary who will then certify that you have seen degrees submit your Passport for Certification.
Upon which you will receive recognition for your achievement.Our Craft is ancient, but it’s teachings are as modern as tomorrow, as relevant as the great discoveries that await us around the next corner.
At this moment in time we call to renew our Masonic Vows, our commitment to our fellow man and our faith in God.
We have witnesses the power of Freemasonry through the actions and beliefs of those who have preceded us. It is time for us to reach out to good men who have yet to see the Light and show them the door of Freemasonry so they, of their own free will and accord, may knock.
I look forward to seeing you as we continue our journey through Masonry, Scottish Rite Masonry in particular and this life.
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